Family Counseling Center Staff Compete for Pi Day Prize

Staff of The Family Counseling Center competed in the organization’s first ever Pi Day Bake-off. Pi Day, annually celebrated on March 14 (3/14), celebrates not just the baked confection but also the mathematical constant equaling 3.14159 – the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Pi Day itself has been around since 1988 and in 2009 was recognized by the United States House of Representatives.

Ten employees competed with varying types of pies and skill levels. Staff members had two hours to taste their way through the confections. Confidential votes were taken and tallied with a winner and two honorable mentions announced.
“We wanted to recognize and celebrate our employees while also recognizing and celebrating an opportunity to eat pie,” said Michael Countryman, the organization’s Executive Director. “The work our team does daily has a positive impact in the lives of our clients and in our community but sometimes the work can be stressful. Our leadership group is always looking for ways to bring moments of laughter when we can.”
The event’s winner was Sheila Wood, with a Chocolate Cream Pie. Honorable mention went to Lorie Voght’s Mai Tai Pie and Michael Countryman’s Very Berry Pie.