About Our Services
I think I may need help, but where do I start?
Call the agency at (518) 725-4310 and ask to speak with an Intake Representative. They will help you determine what kind of services you may benefit from.
If you are in crisis, please call (518) 842-9111.
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, call 911.
What if I start therapy but think it’s not really for me?
We do our best to match our clients with therapists that we think will be a good fit. Sometimes this isn’t the case and you may want to speak with you therapist about switching. We will also make referrals to other agencies if we feel it is necessary. You are not obligated to continue treatment with us if you feel it is not the right fit.
Can I access services for a day/short term?
Services are tailored to the individual’s needs which can be short or in some cases a life time of mental health management services may be medically necessary. With that being said, all of our programs are voluntary.
What if I am seeing another therapist at another agency but they are unavailable? Can I still receive services here?
You are in control of your care. If you wish to receive services with our Agency, we would welcome the opportunity to be entrusted with your care.
How long will my wait be?
Unfortunately, there is a waiting list to be seen at The Family Counseling Center. We see clients based on a low to high risk scale.
Do I need to be in therapy to get medication? Can I come in and not get medication?
It has been studied extensively and demonstrated that medication alone does not provide for the best management of any mental health diagnosis. For that reason, anyone receiving medication from one of our prescribers must be engaged in treatment with a Therapist.