Priority Program: Drop-In Center at TFCC
We are always looking for the best way to meet the needs of our community. For many of us, the emotional strain of the last two years has not only impacted our mental health, it has, in some way, removed the stigma of seeking help. However, with the increased demand for our services we have found a number of barriers to care. The Family Counseling Center has worked diligently to create avenues to provide services as quickly as possible, meeting clients where they are on the healing journey.
Drop-In Services
In the coming months we will be introducing Drop-In Clinic at TFCC to those seeking assistance. The process will be simple – an individual will call looking for services and be referred to Drop-In Services immediately. Therapists and counselors will assess the client’s needs and begin Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) with them. SFBT is a goal-oriented therapy that addresses the individual’s immediate mental health concerns. Counselors and clients will work together to identify issues and begin to find solutions through a strengths-based model of care.
If, after a period of time, it is determined that a client needs to dig deeper then they will be referred to our Behavioral Health Clinic for care.
The Impact
The impact of introducing the Drop-In Clinic at TFCC is multi-faceted, the most important aspect of which is that we will be able to see individuals almost immediately. The Clinic is open to all, anyone can come in without an appointment or being placed on a wait-list for care. The Drop-In Clinic will work with clients to feel empowered in their mental health journey, providing them with the tools to become more self-reliant and resourceful when facing challenges. Counselors and clients celebrate small successes and overall progress toward the client’s goals.